Make-A-Wish Wisconsin’s Senior Director of Marketing and Communications, Forrest Doolen, will join us on Thursday, February 6 at 12:30 PM, to introduce us to the group’s mission and the impact of granting wishes on local children battling critical illnesses. Since 1984, Make-A-Wish Wisconsin has granted more than 8,600 life-changing wishes. Currently, there are three Wauwatosa children waiting to receive a wish from Make-A-Wish Wisconsin. It takes an entire community to grant these wishes, and there is a place for everyone in the Make-A-Wish family.
Come hear the many inspiring stories of kids who face the darkest times, yet with incredible resilience and the help of Make-A-Wish Wisconsin, survive their conditions and thrive. Join us for refreshments at 12:30 and the program at 1 p.m. Guests are welcome!